Most important, it has enabled VW to execute a strategy that carmakers often attempt, seldom with success: using the same basic parts in dozens of car models marketed under different brands, thereby slashing costs for engineering, procurement, and manufacturing. 最重要的是,它使大众成功执行了一个大多数厂商经常尝试却很少成功的战略:将同样的基本零部件用于多个品牌的不同车型,从而大量削减工艺、采购和制造成本。
Ultimately, you can end up having multiple accounts for yourself in dozens of different places. 最终,您会发现在许多不同的地方有多个帐户。
It's not just a high-traffic site but a high-transaction site with millions of people listing, bidding on, and buying items in dozens of countries around the world. 它不仅是一个高流量的站点,而且是一个高事务量的站点,全世界许多国家的数百万人都在eBay上标价、出价和购买商品。
The Washington-based Pew Research Center monitors global perceptions of the United States through surveys conducted in dozens of countries. 总部设在华盛顿的皮尤研究中心通过在几十个国家进行调查,审视全球对美国的看法。
As has happened countless times in dozens of countries, common support for a soccer team has drawn a nation's attention away from a toxic political environment and a damaged economy. 就像在许多国家无数次发生过的那样,对一只足球队的共同支持使得人们的注意力离开有毒的政治环境和糟糕的经济状况。
In dozens of studies over the past 20 years, Dr. Dainton has found people often say sharing too much is a source of relationship dissatisfaction. 在过去20年的几十项研究中,丹顿博士发现,人们经常说,过多地分享自己的想法是造成他们对婚姻关系不满的原因之一。
Founded in New York, the Nathaniel Branden Institute grew to have branches in dozens of cities. 纳撒尼尔·布兰登学院在几十个城市内设立了分校。
After several years of detainment and coercive interrogation, he admitted to participating in dozens of terrorist plots. 经过数年的审讯,穆罕默德承认参与策划了数十起恐怖袭击阴谋。
We became the worldwide leader in computer mice, and have reinvented the mouse in dozens of ways to match the evolving needs of PC and laptop users. 我们成为电脑鼠标领域内的全球领先供应厂商,并且通过多种方式又重新改造了鼠标,以满足PC电脑用户和笔记本电脑用户的不断需求。
On 1 April 1994, the China Foreign Exchange Trading System was set up in Shanghai and branches were opened in dozens of cities. 1994年4月1日,中国外汇交易中心系统在上海成立,并在若干城市设立了分中心。
But in dozens of interviews with the financial times, those already moved voiced anger and dissatisfaction over what they said was inadequate compensation and official indifference to their plight. 但在英国《金融时报》进行的数十个采访中,那些已经迁走的村民表现得非常愤怒和不满,他们表示,自己拿到的补偿金不够,政府官员对他们的悲惨处境漠不关心。
His works are published in dozens of newspapers and magazines at home and abroad. 他的作品发表于国内外几十家报纸和杂志。
They set up purifying Systems in dozens of places where the water was not potable. 他们在许多水不适于饮用的地方设置了净化系统。
The two cities are different in dozens of ways large and small. 这两座城市在许多大大小小的方面存在差异。
It is embroiled in dozens of legal suits with apple on four continents. 它在四大洲卷入了数十起与苹果(apple)的法律诉讼。
According to a person who claims to have drafted the original statements ( which were all quickly removed from the Internet by government censors), thousands more peasant farmers in dozens of other locations in 20 provinces have already signed similar declarations and are preparing to seize land. 一位声称起草了原始声明(政府迅速删去了互联网上的所有材料)的人士称,还有20个省份、数十个地方的几千名农民已经签署了类似声明,并准备收回土地。
She has appeared in dozens of films. 她拍过许多影片。
In dozens of cities, you can get a little spring in your step from rubber pavements. 在几十个城市里,当你走在橡胶人行道上时,你可以感受到道路上的弹性。
In the US you can buy milk and bread at any time, and in dozens of places. 在美国,你在任何时间、很多地方都可以买到牛奶和面包。
There also have been reports of labor action in dozens of other factories. 在其他几十家工厂也有采取劳动行动的报道。
DI can be implemented in dozens upon dozens of classrooms with just ordinary teachers. 能够去让普通教师在课堂上采用DI。
Its services are packed and the number of novices in dozens of Coptic monasteries is at record levels. 埃及的科普特正教信徒有大约七百万,是中东最大的基督教团体,其礼拜仪式举不胜举,几十家科普特修道院的新信徒数量也令人咂舌。
The management information system ( MIS) concept has been defined in dozens of ways. 管理信息系统的概念可以有很多方式来定义。
Danone had battled Mr Zong in dozens of legal jurisdictions since April 2007. 自2007年4月以来,达能与宗庆后在数十个法律管辖区对打官司。
You can animate your model in dozens of different animations using this command! 你可以使用此函数给模型设置许多的动作!
New firms take on workers in dozens rather than in hundreds. 新成立的公司往往雇佣几十个而不是几百个工人。
Pencils are sold in dozens and grosses. 铅笔是以打及箩为单位来卖的。